Teaching Evaluations

Total students taught: 148 not including asynchronous courses

There were no reviews from my asynchronous course

Positive: 79% (56)
Neutral: 20% (14)
Needs Improvement: 1% (1)

Support from the instructor
Positive: 79% (56)
Neutral: 18% (13)
Needs Improvement: 3% (2)

Feedback provided
Positive: 51% (36)
Neutral: 30% (21)
Needs Improvement: 19% (14)

Clarity of assignment instructions and grading
Positive: 61% (43)
Neutral: 20% (14)
Needs Improvement: 19% (13)

Degree to which the course includes active learning
Positive: 66% (47)
Neutral: 21% (15)
Needs Improvement: 13% (9)

Instructor communication
Positive: 86% (61)
Neutral: 11% (8)
Needs Improvement: 3% (2)

Organization of the course
Positive: 79% (56)
Neutral: 17% (12)
Needs Improvement: 4% (3)

Relevance of the course content
Positive: 87% (61)
Neutral: 11% (8)
Needs Improvement: 2% (1)

Assignments or projects in this course
Positive: 79% (56)
Neutral: 17% (12)
Needs Improvement: 4% (3)

Accessibility of the course
Positive: 86% (59)
Neutral: 10% (7)
Needs Improvement: 4% (3)